Home Pro Listings

Directory of home improvement contractors in east Tennessee

For a free and no obligation price quote on your home improvement project(s), contact John Wilson at (423) 883-2334 or email John at johncwilson9@gmail.com  

During free consultation, John will provide you copy of his drivers license and you may video record your consultation with him for your records.  Relax and enjoy a professional consultation that is honest and know who you are working with!  Save $200 when you sign contract during initial consultation with John.

John is an authorized sales agent for several contractors listed on the Home Pro Listings directory.  So if you are interested in their services and contact them directly, John may be meeting with you for your free and no obligation price quote.  Expect to enjoy an enthusiastic discussion concerning your home improvement project(s).  Ask specifically for John if you are interested in having him work with you in McMinn, Bradley, Polk, Meigs and Monroe counties, Tennessee.

John may also be available to perform as your Project Manager or liaison between you and your contractor(s) to help ensure a smooth coordination between various contractors.

Home Pro Listings office available by appointment only.

Monday through Friday 10am to 5pm.

To schedule meeting or set up Premium Listing, call John at (423) 883-2334 or email johncwilson9@gmail.com

Our advertisers do not pay for leads.  Consumers seeking services are not required to complete lengthy questionnaires or only advised or sent certain advertiser information.  Consumers using the directory may contact you directly.

John covers the east Tennessee area as far as 60 miles from his office at 677 County Road 616 Athens, TN 37303.  Beyond 60 mile locations may provide their own photo/video content.  You may pay travel fee and we can still create professional photo/video for your Premium Listing.   Google map to determine mileage from Home Pro Listings office.

Get Your Business Listed

Home improvement professionals contact us to get your free basic listing on this directoryEmail your basic info to us to be included. 

We also have a multimedia Premium Listing option available which will work much harder to generate leads and other results:

$240 paid annually

Featured Listings are available for Premium Listings only.  Just add $60  to feature your Premium Listing for three months at a time.  May be linked to your Premium Listing or your Featured Listing may link directly to your own website or specific landing page to help measure marketing results and other metrics more accurately.  Premium Listings may also participate in the Coupon/Special Offers page at no additional charge with link provided to your Premium Listings or directly to your website or specific landing page. 

EXCLUSIVE OFFER: Display option available exclusively to McMinn, Bradley, Polk, Meigs and Monroe county businesses with their own Premium Listings.  I can better maintain and keep the displays stocked in these counties. 

To help increase foot traffic to your brick & mortar location open to general public, you may provide a biz card/brochure display where printed coupons and other discount offers of Home Pro Listing advertisers are available for free pick-upThere is a refundable security deposit for the biz card/brochure display required by the brick & mortar locations.  Display options available.

Premium Listing advertisers who provide marketing materials for these displays are highly encouraged to provide EXCLUSIVE offers so that together you may collectively pull in more foot traffic to the locations where your exclusive special offers may be picked-up.  When prospective customers are informed you have exclusive offers at select brick & mortar locations generally means they are serious or ready to purchase in near future especially when they make special trip to pick-up those exclusive offers.

NOTE: This service not available yet.  We must have at least 30 Premium Listing advertisers participation to help ensure effectiveness.

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Expand Your Reach with a Sales Representative

Want to cost-effectively expand your marketing reach with a representative in this local area?  Call John Wilson at (423) 883-2334.  

Premium Listing advertisers are welcome to provide promotional materials, brochures, business cards, video presentations at John's office where he may share with prospective customers.  John will also use your business cards to pass out to prospective customers anytime he's out and about providing price quotes/estimates for any of the services people have expressed a serious interest in. Qualified lead generation.

If John accepts a sales representative position with your company, you will receive links to your Premium Listing in other county pages where John has exclusive territory under contract.  Those counties would be McMinn, Bradley, Polk, Meigs and Monroe where I will also use my office as your "satellite office" to conduct business for you where and when effective.  This arrangement can make a very cost-effective way to expand the marketing reach of your business to include these counties.  Otherwise, your Premium Listing link may only be placed on one county page where your business is physically located.

East Tennessee Counties which are listed in the Home Pro Listings Directory.

County pages consist only of Premium Listings of businesses which are physically located inside those counties. So while that business may also serve outside the county it is listed in, that business will only be listed in the county where the business is based.  In any event, only Premium Listings are in the county pages and only one county listing per Premium Listing advertiser.  Of course, Premium Listing links are also placed under the appropriate service category as well.  In your Premium Listing of up to 2,000 words, you may indicate your service areas.

NOTE: Businesses located outside Tennessee may have your Premium Listing link placed in the Tennessee county of your choice.  Your Premium Listing must state the actual location of your business and service areas.

Professional 4K business video production included with Premium Listing.  Hosted on YouTube & Vimeo to effectively help connect you and prospective customers. YouTube for improved search results in Google and Vimeo embedded in your Premium Listing so your video is free of ad interruptions.  If you prefer to post your own existing videos on your Premium Listing, you must provide me the video file for embedding in my own Vimeo channel.  This helps me to maintain consistent and reliable video embeds for visitors to the Home Pro Listings directory.  Also with Vimeo I can change your video without need to change the video URL embed code for reliable indexing by search engines. So you may update your Premium Listing videos but must be the same title and same subject matter to optimize in search results.

Independent Sales Agent 

"I do not provide my independent contractor services to businesses which are direct competitors to one another.  I work solely and fully as an independent contractor and do not work in an employer/employee relationship as to avoid any conflict of interest or the appearance of such conflict.  I may provide you my sales agent/marketing services under my own license.  For this reason, once I accept assignment with a specific contractor, I will not be able to represent another contractor who is a direct competitor who serves the same region.  If I'm required by law to perform any sales under your own contract, I cannot perform as an "employee" for the before mentioned reasons.  I do not accept 1099 work without agreement/modification I'm not treated as an employee.  But I will accept 100% commission only compensation.  I have my own schedule and work to perform for other interests." 

- John Wilson